Publications and media

Annual Reports

The Annual Report presents an overview of the projects carried out during a particular year and the financial report for that year. It is available in French, English and German. 

Advocacy reports

The FAAI helps its partners draft reports and participate in international human rights mechanisms, notably the Universal Periodic Review, the Committee on the Rights of the Child and other regional mechanisms. 

2023 at a glance

The Foundation’s primary goal is to improve the lives of children in street situations, in particular by providing them with holistic support, whether it be assisting them directly in the street or helping them reintegrate sustainably into their families, society and the workplace.

Find out more about our activities in 2023!

Workshop on children’s rights, Orphelinat St-Joseph de Gaston Céleste, REIPER member – Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo ©Besnard/Apprentis d’Auteuil

Child protection

The root causes of inequality and violence, even unintentional, are a lack of awareness of these rights among the child’s close circle and a failure of the authorities to act decisively to protect these rights. Children living on the streets are often invisible to their governments, rejected by their families. Our mission, accomplished in tandem with our partners on the ground, is to prevent children from ending up in street situations and to reunite them with their families wherever possible.

“We’re two children at home. Sometimes, there’s not enough food to go around. My brother gets to eat first, and I’m told that as I’m a girl I can find something outside or ask my friends. I’m used to it, but sometimes it hurts.” A young girl supported by REIPER 

Key figures in 2023


children hosted at drop-in centres in Madagascar


children supported through mobile outreach teams in the DRC


patrols carried out in Cameroon, enabling 234 children on the streets to be identified

Integration officer from the 100% Mamans association, interviewing a mother – Morocco ©Besnard/Apprentis d’Auteuil

Integration and entrepreneurship

In many of the countries where we work, young people tend to have fewer training and employment opportunities, exposing them to increased insecurity and widening inequalities. Our integration programmes target young people in highly vulnerable situations who are often marginalised and have little chance of finding a job or entering the regular training cycle.

“I’m a 17-year-old girl, and I’m grateful for the opportunity you gave me to help my family and my country. Today, I can write, read, talk to people, behave well in public, manage my feelings well, express my wishes, understand others and sew. I’m thankful for the fulfilment you’ve brought to my life, enabling me, a young girl from a disadvantaged background, to live my dream of running my own business.” Young girl on the sewing course at the Arts et Style centre (Nyalla)

Key figures in 2023


of literacy courses successfully completed in Mali


of young girls given shelter in Cameroon redirected to vocational training centres


young people undergoing vocational training in Senegal

Trainees and their instructors in the kitchen at the Birdhouse – Geneva ©Loic Henin

In Geneva

The Birdhouse, training restaurant for early school leavers is a working restaurant. The apprentices interact daily with customers, gaining valuable insights into the realities of the working world as they learn.

“My job as a trainer is to pass on knowledge at all times, from the moment the restaurant opens until it closes. My daily challenge is twofold: to develop a dynamic among the apprentices by combining training and practical experience and to ensure customer satisfaction.” Julie, instructor in service and room manager at The Birdhouse

Key figures in 2023


professional instructors in service and cooking


socio-educational coach providing apprentices with personalised monitoring 


success rate in earning diplomas (AFP or CFC) since the project began in 2019 

Khat Pheng and her children – Cambodia ©WRC

Family and parenting support

The Houses of Families are community centres for support, exchange and learning, designed to give people the tools they need to build a stable family life.

I want to say how much my children have flourished since I have made improvements. Family conflicts or disagreements disrupted my children’s education and development. Thanks to the organisation and the House of Families, my mentality as a parent has completely changed.” Khat Pheng, mother supported by the WRC Family Centre, Cambodia

Key figures in 2023


annual drop-ins in our 4 Family Houses


families supported in total


new families assisted

International advocacy

Presentation of the advocacy training certificate, October 2023 –Antananarivo, Madagascar ©Apprentis d’Auteuil

Giving young people a voice through our advocacy work is essential to their empowerment, because it means making them visible and giving them back the power to influence their own lives. 

The FAAI, together with its local partners, is committed to advocating for young people with their active participation. Our common goal is to present specific recommendations to governments and international institutions to promote respect for the rights of all children, including those in street situations.

"After this training, our next steps will be to promote children’s participation within our association and work together to implement our advocacy strategy.”  A participant of the advocacy workshop, Antananarivo, Madagascar 

Key figures in 2023


participants in 2 training sessions organised in Madagascar and the DRC


recommendations submitted to and accepted by France during the UPR*


recommendations submitted to and accepted by Peru during the UPR*

* UPR : Universal Periodic Review, UN mechanism.