Child protection

Every child is born with the same inalienable right to a good start in life, good health, an education and a healthy and secure childhood.

Nevertheless, millions of children around the world have their rights violated and are deprived of the minimum necessary to grow up in good conditions. Many are marginalized, forced out of their homes and end up on the street.

Head of the Saint-Joseph de Gaston Céleste orphanage, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo © Besnard/Apprentis d’Auteuil

We act to:

  • Prevent children from turning to the street for survival  by raising awareness of children’s rights among families, the public and the authorities
  • Help children escape the street by providing them with personalized care
  • Support and strengthen the capacities of social workers
  • Promote the implementation of children’s rights by advocating with local and international authorities

Discover the stories of Djibril and Louisa

Towards sustainable integration into society

With our partners, we provide holistic support tailored to each child and the context, from the first encounter in the street to their full integration into society, school or training and, ultimately, the workplace. The young person’s opinion and specific circumstances are at the centre of the decisions we make to help them build a life path.

Restoring family ties, where possible, and working with the community are essential if the young person is to find their place within them.

Defending the rights of children in vulnerable situations 

Since one of our missions is to bring about tangible and sustainable change for vulnerable children and families, we support our partners in urging decision-makers at the local and international levels to implement children’s rights fully. 

Children at Graines de bitume centre, Madagascar © Viviane Rakotoarivony/Apprentis d'Auteuil

Enriching our child-protection practices and those of our partners

There is currently no training for social workers dealing with children in street or migration situations. Yet, this is a particular situation that requires a specific approach backed by the theoretical, practical and relational skills that are crucial in providing appropriate support.

To fill this gap, we and our partners have developed an online training course. 

Find out more about the Digital Notebooks for Social Work