Lisanga Po Na Bana : Care of children in street situations and promotion of their rights

The fragile economic situation in the Republic of the Congo, exacerbated by the drop in oil prices and the fallout from the Covid-19 crisis, has severely impacted the social action sector. Children have been the first to suffer the consequences; for several years, the resurgence of the phenomenon of children in street situations has been a strong indicator of the deterioration of living conditions in the country.
Established in 2003, REIPER is the main child-protection actor in the Republic of the Congo. The network operates in several areas: accommodation and care of children in street situations; an open centre; socioeconomic integration; and schooling.
The Tobatela Bana (Protect the Children) project aims to change institutional practices and the perceptions and attitudes of Congolese civil society towards young people living on the street, indigenous children and incarcerated minors. It does so by strengthening dialogue and collaboration with local and national authorities.
Activities focus on raising awareness of, protecting and implementing children’s rights and supporting the socioeconomic integration of children in street situations. Moreover, the project partner receives help in developing new mechanisms (outreach and an emergency hotline) to complement its activities, prevent child vulnerability and provide holistic care.