From 9 to 13 December 2024, Benoit Van Keirsbilck, a member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), made an official visit to the Republic of Congo. This visit was the result of joint advocacy efforts by the Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International (FAAI) and its local partner REIPER, in collaboration with UNICEF. This country visit stemmed from the concerning observation that, despite Congo’s reviews by international and regional mechanisms, the implementation of recommendations to improve the situation of children remains limited.
In January 2024, the Committee on the Rights of the Child sent its concluding observations to the Congolese government, highlighting the efforts needed to fulfil the commitments made when the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was ratified in 1993.
The visit by a member of the CRC provided an opportunity to further mobilise the national authorities and its partners to speed up the implementation of the recommendations and strengthen public policies in favour of children's rights. Accompanied by REIPER, Benoit Van Keirsbilck had several official meetings with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Social Affairs, the Minister of National Education, the National Human Rights Commission, the Supreme Court, the Children's Judge and the President of the National Assembly. Discussions were also held with United Nations agencies and other key stakeholders in the field of child protection and human rights.
It was a week rich in commitments and constructive exchanges, which led to the dissemination of the concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child to the Congolese government at the highest level. During the various meetings, the national authorities expressed their willingness to act to transform the Congo's commitments into concrete actions to improve the implementation of children's rights in the country.

Making children's voices heard
One of the highlights of the visit was organised by REIPER: a meeting between 7 children, representatives of the network's member organisations, and Mr Van Keirsbilck took place on Wednesday 11 December 2024 at REIPER office. The meeting was a valuable opportunity for the children to take part directly in discussions with the CRC, share their experiences and gain a better understanding of the role of the United Nations and the Committee on the Rights of the Child. In an inclusive approach, girls and boys supported by various organisations were selected, including the Handicap Afrique association, to promote the participation of children with disabilities.
"I would like to thank Mr Benoit for coming to the Congo to listen to us and monitor the application of children's rights. We want our authorities to take decisions to protect our rights, whether in terms of education, health, safety or food. This meeting is good, but what we really want is lasting change that will benefit all the children of our country. Today, thanks to REIPER, we had the chance to make our voices heard in front of Mr Benoit, who was in Congo for the first time to support our cause. I'm very happy about this opportunity and I hope it will happen again, so that many other children can also have the chance to express their views. Bonheur, a child from CIREV, Republic of Congo.
The children welcomed the expert with music composed especially for the occasion, followed by the projection of a video and a theatrical perfomance to illustrate how different children's rights relate to their daily lives.
Moved by this exchange, which gave him deeper insight into the concrete challenges children face, Benoit Van Keirsbilck stated:
"Society will not progress if we do not listen to children, if we do not involve them.

REIPER's strong engagement
The mission was a great achievement for the efforts made on the ground by our partner, REIPER, and reinforced its recognition as a key player in the protection of children's rights in Congo.
"The CDE's visit was a crucial advocacy opportunity for us, helping us to mobilise the country's highest authorities around the concluding observations and children's rights in general. We were able to identify new avenues for collaboration with the government, parliament and UNICEF. We are delighted to have contributed to this, with the support of the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil International, and hope to continue working to maximise its impact on the situation of children in the Congo. Joseph BIKIE LIKIBI, REIPER National Coordinator
It also highlights the fundamental importance of country visits by the Committee on the Rights of the Child in mobilising the authorities, strengthening partnerships between national and international actors, and ensuring that the commitments made by States are effectively implemented.
Finally, this visit is a reminder of the necessity of amplifying the voices of children themselves, recognising them as primary actors in driving profound and lasting change. Their voices, their experiences and their aspirations must guide the policies and programmes designed to protect them and guarantee their future.