© Viviane Rakotoarivony/Apprentis d'Auteuil

Children's month celebrations on the African continent

The International Day of the African Child on 16 June commemorates the movement of children in Soweto, South Africa, under the Apartheid regime in 1976, who were murdered while demonstrating for their right to education. Since then, it has been celebrated across the continent as a reminder of the importance of respecting the rights of all children.

The month of June is often dedicated to children. Our partners organise various activities to raise awareness of the different issues faced by the children they support. Let's take a look back at the events organised by two of our partners in June 2024.

Joining forces to protect children's rights”

This was the theme chosen in Madagascar for a national awareness-raising day held on 21 June. Our local partners in the Sandratra project and the member organisations of the Civil Society Platform for Children (PFSCE) took action on behalf of children, organising a carnival, speeches, shows and various stands (games, entertainment, medical consultations, etc.). The celebration was honoured by the presence of the Ministry of Population, represented by the Child Protection Department, and the Madagascar Civil Status Support Project Coordinator, representing the International Organisation of the French-speaking Indian Ocean.

"My dream is that every individual would have access to quality education, without geographical, economic or social barriers. An education that inspires creativity, critical thinking and intercultural understanding. A world where learning is a fundamental right and an opportunity for all. " A young girl, 17, supported by the NGO Hardi.

“Education for all: the time has come!”

In Gamboma, Congo, our partner REIPER and the children celebrated this day around access to quality education for all African children. The programme included a round table discussion between various authorities and stakeholders, leading to constructive exchanges on the right to education. Local artists and children then performed a cultural show. The event was attended by the Mayor of the Gamboma Urban Community and the Children's Judge, who also took part in the celebrations.

Although these celebrations are primarily organised for the children themselves, they also provide an opportunity to raise awareness of various issues in the community or to engage with representatives of public authorities.