COVID-19 emergency in Africa : Appeal for donations to meet the needs of the most vulnerable
If at this time “home” is for many a “safe place” to isolate and protect yourself from the coronavirus pandemic, the same is not true for the millions of children whose “home” is the street.
Vulnerable families are especially at risk during this pandemic. Many of them do not have the resources they had before the spread of the virus, owing to the temporary closure of their small businesses or the loss of employment of one or both parents. As a result, they are struggling to meet their basic needs.
Moreover, children living or working on the streets find themselves, more than ever, in a situation of extreme vulnerability, exposed to increased levels of crime and violence and to the dangers of the pandemic. Their predicament means that they are unable either to meet their essential needs or to respect the measures imposed by the authorities.
In response to the crisis, Apprentis d’Auteuil and its partners in the worst-affected countries are doing everything possible to protect the most vulnerable children and families. Our partner organizations are finding innovative ways and working tirelessly to come to their aid. In some cases, the children are confined in the shelters along with the support teams. Other partners have been able to increase their accommodation capacity to provide safe places for greater numbers of children and families.
“The day after the government announced the lockdown, we had to stop all our outdoor educational activities. However, our homes continue to operate with the children who were already in place, where we are endeavouring to protect them from the virus, while providing them with the support they need.” Social worker, Foyer de l’espérance, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Unfortunately, in most areas of the countries where our partners are working, they have had to suspend their outdoor activities, such as street patrols, care work, listening and other forms of direct support. They are nonetheless putting in a supreme effort to ensure that vulnerable young people and families have shelter, food, care and access to information.
“In the daytime, we diversify our activities: study, manual work, games, TV… We are also trying to vary the menu: tubers, bananas, semolina, maize with green beans. We are making bread. The engagement has been fantastic!” Head of the NRJ centre, Antananarivo, Madagascar
The needs in figures
Our partners need an estimated CHF 100,000.
A gift of CHF 100 will help provide vulnerable children and families with hygiene kits (masks, sanitizer, gloves), food and additional beds.
Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International (FAAI)
Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International is a Swiss charitable foundation which supports international projects of the Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil. We are working to provide our partners on the ground with the means to respond to the current crisis. This support will go, as a priority, to 15 partners working in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Republic of the Congo and Senegal, countries particularly hard hit by the pandemic.
This support will enable our partners to purchase shelter materials, food and hygiene kits and will benefit 2,000 children, young people and families.