In July 2023, professionals from our teams travelled to the Democratic Republic of Congo to lead various workshops for our partner organizations in Kinshasa, dedicated to assisting children in street situations. On-site, we collaborate with 6 organizations: Aide à l’Enfant Défavorisé (AED), Vivre et Travailler Autrement (VTA), Jeunes au Soleil (JOS), Communauté du Chemin Neuf (CCN), l’ORPER1 and l’OSEPER2
Training on Advocacy and Youth Participation
This training program brought together 20 individuals from our partner associations and focused on the Child Rights-Based Approach and youth participation, particularly in advocacy activities. Participants discussed various issues related to children in street situations, such as violence against children, working with families, the current situation in Kinshasa, and children accused of witchcraft.
"I will remember the participants’ enthusiasm for children's rights, their constant participation, their commitment to children, and their determination to make a difference in both the DRC and within their respective organizations." Virginie Hoarau, Advocacy Officer at Apprentis d'Auteuil and the training’s facilitator.
Workshop on the Young Apprentice Reporters Project
Throughout the week, our teams also actively participated in a workshop in collaboration with young individuals involved in the "Young Apprentice Reporters" project, an initiative developed by the LIPRODER association aimed at imparting journalism skills. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of children's rights using media as a means of dissemination. Through organized activities, young people have the opportunity to create programs for their local communities. These programs, while raising their awareness of rights, aim to bring about a shift in attitude within the Congolese population towards young people, especially those in street situations. During this workshop, professionals participated as guests in the programs recorded by the association's youth.
Through the organization of training sessions, we aim to constantly reinvent and adapt our international actions to the challenges faced by children worldwide.
1Œuvre de Reclassement et de Protection des Enfants de la Rue
2Œuvre de Suivi, Éducation et de Protection des Enfants de la Rue