
International Day of the Girl: guaranteeing them a future

Every 11 October, we celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child to highlight the particular inequalities and specific challenges faced by girls and young women. They represent 50% of the world's population, yet they are all too often forgotten and particularly subjected to violence. Young girls in vulnerable situations suffer serious discrimination that prevents them from accessing their rights. How can we support them in developing their skills and realising their dreams? Access to education and addressing violence are two key actions to achieve this.

Peru : a teenager in street situations speaks out at the pre-session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child

In September, we had the pleasure of welcoming to Geneva Erick, a young Peruvian aged 17, and Jorge, head of Qosqo Maki, our local partner in Peru. They came to talk to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child during Peru's pre-session, which will shortly be examined by the experts. Qosqo Maki works closely with children and young people who, like Erick, are in street situations in Cusco.

The Birdhouse opens its doors to new apprentices for the new school year

In August, our vocational training restaurant got back into the rhythm of the school year: 8 new apprentices (4 AFP and 4 CFC) joined our teams for the year 2024-2025. In total, 15 young people will be supported by 10 trainers and an integration coach for the coming school year. It's a special year, because in 2024, the Birdhouse is already celebrating its 5th anniversary.

Returning to school in Madagascar: Nirina and Mampionona's challenge

The aim of the Graines de bitume association, one of our long-standing partners, is to keep children and teenagers off the streets and away from its dangers (assault, rape, alcohol, drugs, prostitution, etc.), particularly in the Anosibe district of Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. With the increasing number of young people in street situations, it is important to talk about the ones who have managed to get off the streets thanks to the support they received. The stories of Nirina and Mampionona.

Supporting students in difficulty in Lebanon: the daily lives of the professionals at Hammana School

The school Notre-Dame du Bon Pasteur in Hammana is located in the mountainous region of Mount Lebanon, 25 km from Beirut. It has 346 pupils from various backgrounds and religions, including Druze, Christian and Muslim. These students are supported by professionals throughout their schooling. Particular attention is paid to young girls growing up in a society that may consider them inferior. But what difficulties do these young people face along the way? Meet the professionals who support them every day!

Awareness raising for better reintegration: the experience of girls in street situations in Douala

Nyalla, a district of Douala, is home to many young girls from rural and disadvantaged areas who do not live with their families. Because of their isolation and lack of resources, many of them end up in street situations. There is an increased risk of prostitution, whether forced or out of spite, exposing them to numerous dangers such as trauma, unwanted pregnancy and disease. To address this issue, we are working with our partner Chaîne des foyers Saint-Nicodème (CFSN) to support young girls living on the streets through the New-Bell day centre and the Arts and Style vocational training centre. Through these two facilities, they are supported until they become socially and financially independent.

From the streets of Madagascar to the Human Rights Council: Ronaldo and Elia speak out

To mark International Day for Street Children (12 April), two children who have lived on the streets of Madagascar came to Geneva to talk about their experiences at the United Nations. The two children spoke at the Human Rights Council's annual Day on the Rights of the Child, which focused on inclusive social protection. Ronaldo and Marie Elia, 13, tell the story of this extraordinary adventure.

Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International

Die Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International (FAAI) ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung und wurde 2013 gegründet. Sie setzt sich für den Schutz der Kinderrechte, die Bildung und Integration von Jugendlichen in Schwierigkeiten und die Unterstützung von Familien ein und arbeitet mit lokalen Akteuren zusammen, die dasselbe Ziel verfolgen. 

Gemeinsam mit ihren lokalen Partnern betreibt die FAAI bei UN-Institutionen Advocacy-Arbeit für die Rechte von Kindern, insbesondere von Strassenkindern. 

Über uns

Unsere Aktionen


Unterstützung von Strassenkindern mit dem Ziel, ihre Rechte zu fördern und sie dauerhaft in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren.

Integration und Unternehmertum

Berufsausbildung und sozialpädagogische Betreuung für Jugendliche anbieten, um ihnen die Gestaltung ihrer Zukunft zu ermöglichen.

Begleitung von Familien und Elternschaft

Eltern in ihrem Erziehungsauftrag unterstützen und sie als wichtige Akteure im Kinderschutz befähigen.


Begleitung unserer Partner bei der Advocacy-Arbeit bei nationalen und internationalen Entscheidungsträgern, um die Einhaltung der Kinderrechte durchzusetzen.