Graduations at the Birdhouse
We are very happy to be announce our 5 new graduates among the 15 apprentices of the Birdhouse for this school year (2021-2022) !
Indeed, 2 apprentices in kitchen training (2 CFC) and 3 apprentices in service training (2 AFP and 1 CFC) have passed their diploma, 2 of them with honours.
This success is the result of tireless efforts on the part of the apprentices and their trainers as well as the social coach. The year 2021-2022 was again marked by the health crisis and periods of low attendance, making it more difficult to motivate and project into the future. It is now positive and determined that our graduates will continue their training towards a CFC or enter the job market. We wish them all the best and remain at their side!
From August onwards, we will welcome 16 apprentices for the next school year.